The MRC Running Club is a great group of runners of all ages and running levels! If you've been to a local road race, you've seen our singlets at the front, middle, and back of the pack. We are a casual, yet organized group that sets no performance expectations. We have club runners from all over the state and even into Western Mass and beyond.
Click here to join the club!
We meet every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. at the Manchester High School track or adjacent parking lot. While this is the only formal group run of the week, but if you join our club we have a lot of chatter on Facebook, Discord, and text groups to find a great running fit for you. Often there are smaller groups or partners running throughout the week.
Generally speaking the Tuesday group run has about 12-15 participants of varying speeds. We typically do a light warmup in neighborhoods or on the track, followed by some stretching, a workout, and a cooldown. Many participants pair off and "do their own thing" but the fun of it is all being together!
All are welcome to join for a group run. The group runs are unofficial in nature, we hold no permits with the town and the town holds the right to ask us off the track at any time. Furthermore, by joining a group run you agree to hold harmless Manchester Running Company, LLC, its members and directors, from any and all lawsuits, claims, liability, causes of action, loss, injury and/or damage of any kind whatsoever.